Support Inscape Publico This Year-End

“Great buildings that move the spirit have always been rare. In every case they are unique, poetic, products of the heart.” Arthur Erickson

Now that the holidays are upon us and 2015 will soon give way to a new year, we can reflect on what we have accomplished this past year and be thankful for our blessings. The holidays are also a time to make a positive impact on the lives of others in our community. I ask you to support Inscape Publico through a year-end donation. It is a quick way to increase your 2015 tax benefit while supporting our efforts on behalf of our nonprofit partners.

2015 saw the completion of construction at 1919 Calvert Street, NW. In collaboration with Mi Casa, a nonprofit provider of affordable housing, and the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), Inscape Publico led the design efforts for this single room occupancy development. 14 low-income individuals now have a well-designed, safe, and affordable home to call their own. 

Last month Inscape Publico and Mi Casa won a competition, sponsored by DHCD, to develop 12 net-zero energy and affordable town-homes in Northeast DC. Twelve low-to-moderate income families will become home owners and occupy these three bedroom, one and one-half bathroom homes. They will generate more energy, through photovoltaics, than they use in a given year, making these affordable homes sustainable in the short and long run. Providing affordable housing for DC residents means reduced stress due to a lessening of concerns that high housing costs will lead to foreclosure and eviction. It also supports the local workforce so that they can live close to their jobs, allowing parents more time with their children, while the community benefits from reduction in traffic congestion, air pollution, and expenditures on roads.  

The doors opened in 2015 for HIPS’ new H Street, NE location. HIPS received $15,207 of in-kind architectural schematic design services from Inscape Publico so that they can better serve their mission of promoting the health, rights, and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by drug use, sexual exchange, and chronic homelessness due to choice, coercion, or circumstance. Since moving into their new facility, HIPS has seen a threefold increase on client visitations from 25 to 80 per week. HIPS now has a medical exam room to provide health care services and a commercial kitchen to provide meals to those they serve. 

Your year-end donation will have an immediate impact as Inscape Publico will begin work in January of 2016 on the Seton Center, an inter-generational day care facility located in Pittsburgh, PA. The Seton Center provides child-care services, social and supportive services for senior citizens, and cultural and recreational activities for their local communities. 

In 2016 Inscape Publico will be continuing our relationship with the Episcopal Church of Honduras on the design of St. John’s School in Siguatepeque, Honduras. In 2015 we created the master plan for St. John’s new campus and saw the first building, the cafeteria, break ground. In 2016 Inscape Publico will begin work on the design of the academic and administration buildings. The Episcopal Church in Honduras is committed to providing the finest educational opportunity to all students and the new school, will allow them to implement a 21st Century model of education that will take advantage of the latest in technologies and pedagogical approaches to education. 

To date in 2015, Inscape Publico has totaled 1,723 hours at a value of $161,262 supporting over a dozen nonprofit partner organizations. Our work is only possible through your generosity. You are our partner and the act of giving contributes to the lives of those that are positively impacted through the work provided in the spaces we have created. 


With appreciation,

Gregory A. Kearley, AIA, LEED AP
Executive Director